Master Tutor Academy is a premier tutoring service dedicated to helping students achieve academic excellence through personalized, one-on-one instruction.
Our tutors are highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in their subject areas. They hold advanced degrees and have a proven track record of helping students succeed.
You can schedule a tutoring session by contacting us through our website, calling our office, or emailing us. Our staff will work with you to find a convenient time and match you with a suitable tutor.
Standard tutoring sessions are typically one hour long. However, we offer flexible scheduling options and can accommodate longer or shorter sessions based on your needs.
Yes, we strive to provide consistency for our students. If you prefer to work with the same tutor for all your sessions, we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Our rates vary depending on the subject, tutor’s qualifications, and session length. Please contact us for detailed pricing information.
Yes, we offer discounts for bulk session purchases and long-term tutoring commitments. Please inquire about our available packages when you contact us.
Yes, we provide regular progress reports to keep you informed of your child’s academic development. These reports include feedback from the tutor and recommendations for further improvement.
Yes, for a reasonable supply fee.
50% Refundable within 8 hours of learning session.